Zrinko Gold®

Created to fuel your productivity, Zrinko Gold is a ready-to-drink energy booster designed to give you clean energy without the crash. Zrinko Gold was created out of a need for a healthy pick-me-up - something with clean simple ingredients we could trust.
It fortifies the body’s self-defence mechanism. Zrinko Gold aids in improving the body’s general immunity giving you added protection from diseases and infections and help regain your stamina 24x7. Zrinko Gold enhances the cognitive function of the brain which means your mind is much more alert, and you stay sharp and focused all day long

INR 4500/-

For International Orders:

Courier charges @5000/- per order to be charged extra, however no charges for any domestic delivery.

Minimum Quantity:

We suggest atleast 3 months quantity at a time to save logistics charges.

One month pack of 30 Sachet.

Zrinko Gold is safe to consume by Male & Females. So what are you waiting for, Order Zrinko Gold Now and see the results !

Zrinko Gold is combination of energy booster molecules mentioned below;

  • L-Arginine
  • Multivitamin
  • Amino Acids
  • Caffeine
  • Ginseng
  • Zinc

* Zrinko Gold is food supplement and available in sachet.